Profession/Education activities
- 1996-2001: Engineering Project Manger at Eurowaste s.rl. private company in Padova, Italy
- 2002-today: Assistant Professor at the University of Padova, teaching on:
- 2003-2010: Environmental Engineering Plants
- 2003-2008: Water Treatment
- 2010-2013: Waste Mangement in Developing Countries
- 2012-today: Environmental Sanitary Engineering, ENSTP, Yaoundè, Cameroun
- 2014-today: Solid Waste and Environmental Management, ENSTP, Yaoundè, Padova
- 2012-2016: Director of distance master course "Integrated water resources management and environmental sanitation in Developing Countries" at University of Padova & ENSTP, Yaoundè
- 2012-2016: Vice director of distance master course "Technologies for the sustainable and intercultural management of wastes in African Countries" at University of Padova & ENSTP, Yaoundè
Research groups member
- "Africa Round Table", to promote and support scientific and cultural projects in Africa
- "Teaching for Learning", to promote an interactive learning community and to experience new educational models
- "Environmental sustainability", to promote good enviromental sustainable practices
- IWWG Task Group on "Waste management in developing countries"
- 2013: Kriton Kuri award, Best Project in Developing Countries-Sardinia 2013 International Symposium
- 2017: Second Best Paper, Wastesafe 2017
Last ten years financed projects
- 2005-2017: ENERGIANOVA project, Integrated Solid Organic Waste and Wastewater Management at the Bosconero hut; CAI- Italian Alpin Association (BL), Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Verona,Vicenza, Belluno, Ancona, University of Padova, Fondazione Angelini (BL)
- 2005-2007: PRIN 2005, Remediation of contaminated lagoon sediment; MIUR (Italian Minister of University Research), University of Padova2007-2010: Hydrogen production from organic waste; PRAT, University of Padova
- 2007-2017: Phytodepuration of different wastewater streams by energy crops; University of Padova
- 2009-2014: UASB/septic tank for integrated waste and wastewater treatment; University of Padova
- 2014: International project "Literary cafè at Yaoundè", to promote the awarness on environmental topics; Veneto Regional Government, Rotary Club Padova, Univ. of Padova
- 2015-2016: GBRSU International project on Sustainable Waste Management in Bissau and Identification of a new landfill site; EU, LVIA-Lay Volunteers International Association, Bissau Municipality, University of Padova
- 2015-2016: PROSIGRU International project on Solid Waste Management in Mozambique; EU, ANAMM National Association of the municipalities in Mozambique, DNGA-MICOA Environmental Minister in Mozambique, University of Padova
- 2016-2017: ROLES, International Bilateral Project between Italy and China on Remediation of Old Landfill for Environmental Sustainability and final sink; MISE Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Scientific secretary
- 2008: "Rifiuti, ambiente e salute", National Seminar, Padova
- 2014: International Congress, "SUM, Symposium on Urban Mining", Bergamo
- 2012-2015: TDR, Tavolo di Roma, International committee on sustainable waste management
- 2013-2016: CTTC, National Committee on remediation on contaminated sites
- 2016: "SUM, Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy", International Congress, Bergamo
Editorial activities
- 2012-2014: Editor for Glance at the World in Waste Management Journal, ed. Elsevier
- 2017: Guest Editor for Bioresource and Biotechnology, ed. Elsevier
- Three different chapters in scientific books
- 25 scientific publications
- more than 40 conference papers